清擦音混合实验这个实验研究的是,如果把两个不同的清擦音“混合”,听起来会是什么感觉。本实验考虑以下四个清擦音:f /f/, s /s/, sh /ʃ/, th /θ/。“混合”的步骤如下:
下面的表展示了每一对清擦音混合后的语谱图(频率范围:0 ~ 8 kHz),点击语谱图下面的播放器可以听到混合音。作为对照,我也对每个音进行了自身混合,相当于对它进行能量归一化、时长伸缩,并用随机相位重新合成。 |
Mixture of Unvoiced Fricatives  This experiments studies what the "mixture" of two unvoiced fricatives would sound like. Four unvoiced fricatives are considered: f /f/, s /s/, sh /ʃ/, th /θ/. The mixing is performed in the following steps:
  I thought the mixture of two unvoiced fricatives would sound like neither. But it turns out that sometimes the mixture sounds more like one of the two constituents, as if it has "masked out" the other. More precisely,
  The table below displays the spectrogram of the mixture of each pair of unvoiced fricatives (with the frequency ranging from 0 to 8 kHz), and you can listen to the mixtures by clicking on the players below the spectrograms. For comparison, I mixed each fricative with itself as well, which is equivalent to normalizing its power, stretching it along the time axis, and then resynthesizing it with random phase. |